Day 5- The Sky is Falling pt.4 (a Chacha's cats story) Genre: familial; humor Pairing: none Rating: g Summary: paybacks are due word count: 459 ( falling pt.4 )
Day 4- The Sky is Falling pt.3 (a Chacha’s cat story) Genre: humor Pairing: none Rating: g Summary: a trip to the mountains- almost word count: 269 ( falling: pt.3 )
Day 2- The Sky is Falling pt.1 (a Chacha’s cats story) Genre: humor Pairing: none Rating: g Summary: the first snow of the season word count: 227 ( falling pt.1 )
Day 1- Just Desserts Genre: friendship; humor Pairing: none Rating: g Summary: You and Chacha enjoy dinner together word count: 121 a/n: it's that time of year again! let's see how far I get this time ( just desserts )
Title: Collections Genre: friendship; romance Pairing: Gackt/You/Chachamaru Rating: g Summary: Chacha receives the last of the hina dolls a/n: happy birthday, Chachamaru ( collections )
Day 22 Title: Gackt’s Christmas Carol 2 Genre: drama; friendship Pairing: Gackt/You Rating: g Summary: it’s time for the Ghost of Christmas Present a/n: again, my apologies, Mr. Dickens ( christmas carol 2 )
Day 21 Title: Gackt’s Christmas Carol 1 Genre: friendship; humor Pairing: Gackt/You Rating: g Summary: Gackt is visited by the Ghosts of Christmas Past a/n: deepest apologies to Charles Dickens ( christmas carol1 )